Secluded in 15 acres of a beautiful park, this hotel near Dartford provides for a very pleasant stay. Rowhill Grange was built in 1868 as a summer house and was converted into a country house hotel in 1978. The hotel has available 38 individually furnished rooms, not carrying numbers but flower names. Ample space is …
Dartford Crossing
Dartford Crossing ist der Name eines Verkehrsbauwerks, das den Autobahnring um London (Motorway M25) im Osten die Themse queren lässt. In Nordrichtung fährt man durch einen Tunnel unter der Themse durch, in Südrichtung über die Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, die mit 450 Metern Spannweite zu den größten Hängebrücken der Welt gehört. Bei der Eröffnung 1961 …
Radhuny Asian Cuisine in Dartford
87 Lowfield Street, Kent, Dartford DA1 1HP +44 1322 223833 Öffnungszeiten: 12:00-14:30h, 17:30-23:30h Radhuny names itself a »contemporary Indian restaurant«. Contemporary here is justified in a number of respects: the guest room has a surprisingly modern design and the often to be found decoration of Indian origin is absent. Although the dishes are prepared …