Schlüterstr. 15, 10625 Berlin
030 3125557
This pub is old. Not as old as many a pub on the island after whose flag it is named, but for a pub in Berlin – or to be more precise, West-Berlin – it has quite a tradition (since 1976). And it has more to offer than just tradition: its dark wood-panelled rooms house a remarkable selection of whiskies, more than four hundred can be tasted here. And the friendly owner – she only seems to be known by her nickname Snake – is very knowlegeable when it comes to select the right kind of whisky for her guests, who – if not experts – might be overwhelmed by the assortment.
I went here with a friend to do a bit of whisky tasting and it became a very enjoyable evening. We started out with a mineral water and then had our first whisky, my friend’s preferences were more in the direction of whiskies with a peaty taste whereas I tended more towards the milder variant. We both were very satisfied with the owner’s recommendation. Which continued for the rest of the evening, and I won’t tell you exactly how many whiskies we tasted. Neither will I present a list of whisky names nor a professional whisky taster’s poetry. You may, however, have a look on the compromising photographs. Of course, we had an Ale or Stout or even two or three of them in between the whiskies.
A remarkable place, a dinosaur of good old West-Berlin hospitality, solid as a rock in the middle of newfangled clubs and bars opened – and closed again – elsewhere in this city. Highly recommended.